I spent my time in quarantine rebuilding a guitar several times over.
Top 10 Finance Movies and TV Shows
Jul 14, 2021 | Off-Topic
Finance is an intrinsic part of everyday life, and whether you like it or not - you are either directly or indirectly exposed to the world of investment finance. For practitioners, movies and TV shows can provide motivation and remind us of why we chose to be a part...
Research Group Updates
Nov 5, 2018 | Off-Topic
This blog will continue to serve as an outlet for my own individual analysis and academia. I have neglected to publish my latest research, which has been ongoing, however my focus and medium has shifted to an alternative project. East Mill Capital Research Group East...
What defines a writer.
Jun 17, 2017 | Off-Topic
Examining the real qualities found in copy that distinguish and define what makes a writer – a writer.